We're sorry to hear you don't like our email service! If you have any questions, make sure to fill out the support form or send a message directly to support@startmail.com — we'll be happy to help you out with your questions!
If your subscription will be cancelled during the trial period, no charge will take place.
To cancel your trial account and prevent a charge on your credit card or PayPal account, also follow the steps below.
To cancel your subscription, follow the steps below:
- Go to Settings — Subscription — Danger zone and click on Cancel subscription.
- A pop-up dialog opens. We would appreciate your feedback on what you did not like about StartMail. Then click Next.
- Confirm with your password that you want to cancel the subscription and click Cancel Subscription.
- If you change your mind, you can reactivate your subscription until your account actually expires. To do this, go to Settings > Subscription > at the top under "Subscription" > Reactivate subscription.
Your subscription will automatically be stopped before the next renewal. As you've already paid, you can still make use of your account for the remainder of your current subscription period.